The Advocate personality type is defined as having the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging traits. This combination makes these personalities stand out uniquely with a quiet, principled version of humanism.
Relators are warm, nurturing individuals who value interpersonal relationships above all other things. They are very loyal employees, devoted friends and excellent team players.
Gryffindors are known for their nerve, chivalry, daring, courage, bravery and determination. According to J.K. Rowling Gryffindor roughly corresponds to the element of fire.
Bill really loves pizza and makes his own when he has the time.
He attributes some of his programming success to his 4th grade math teacher who gave him special learning opportunities.
One of Bill's nicknames with friends is "Billy Two Beers" because he is always the one grabbing the beers for everybody.
Bill loves to go skydiving
Bill loves being surrounded by amazing peers that have a common goal of helping clients and being the best at what they do. Everyone is always teaching & learning as they encounter new challenges.